Diverse, open-ended level design makes for one of the most exciting stealth games to date
By: Ryan Ramakrishnan
Reviewed on Xbox One
“Hitman” (2016) allowed IO Interactive to bring back the sandbox style of missions for the stealth series, allowing players to make several choices in how to complete their objectives and succeed at making it a deep and memorable gameplay experience. With a bevy of choices in how to execute the many assassinations presented, “Hitman” wonderfully uses its sandbox level design in each of the episodic missions to provide a surprisingly lengthy experience, one that is as nerve wracking and entertaining as ever before. Its story is far from important or compelling, with the exception of one or two moments, making the gameplay take full priority. “Hitman” ultimately uses the risky episodic format to full effect in terms of that gameplay, providing players with several open-ended experiences, each worth a revisit.