About Me

Hey, welcome to the blog!

My name is Ryan Ramakrishnan.

This is something that I started in community college, admittedly as a required assignment. Today, as I continue my education as a communications major, I find myself simultaneously continuing to write on here. So thanks to that great professor's assignment to begin and maintain a blog for a little while, I have found a great platform to express myself and my love for gaming.

So if you have never read any of my posts, it is generally a subjective look at many things gaming. Whether we are talking reviews, lists, rankings or just opinion pieces, I am always trying to come up with interesting ways to execute my love and interest in the industry through words, as I love to write.

If you are more interested in watching videos, I completely understand. With that being said, I invite you to check out an endeavor college has only inspired me but certainly never demanded me to embark on. I maintain a YouTube channel and have been uploading for well over a year now. My content almost always consists of talking head videos discussing video game-relating subjects, in a similar vein to the writing you will find here.

However, if you are interested in my work but not the biggest gaming fan, perhaps movie and television-based content would be more appealing. My channel also covers those mediums. I generally just love to express myself in talking about the things I care about, those being the aforementioned forms of media. Though, gaming is still my favorite thing.

So if you might be interested in watching my videos, click here. And consider subscribing, liking, commenting, sharing and so forth. I appreciate all feedback as well.

Of course, that feedback is appreciated and desired regarding my content here just as much. So please share with me your thoughts on the topics I cover in my writing. And don't be afraid to give me constructive criticism. I really do love sparking discussions above all else, so I hope you will join me in the comments and have some conversations about the things we love

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